+91 98888 88833


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We are leading company in this field, We provide is specific solutions for our every customers.

Since our inception in 2017, we have been serving the fence trade & industry with high quality Hot Dipped Galvanized and Color coated Residential , Commercial ,Agriculture Ornamental, Fence fittings of full range to all sizes, With established channels of supply & manufacturing capacities at our disposal, we are capable of meeting the ever-growing demands of the industry today for high quality fence fittings. We work on innovative, state-of-the-art technology platforms, expertise & infrastructure to deliver high quality products for our valued clients. We wish to emphasize that we are committed to quality with regard to raw material, dimensional accuracy and functional efficiency.
We are fortunate to win the trust of millions of users worldwide with an incessant zeal for innovation, upgradation, new technology applications and quality-quotient enhancement. Throughout the years, we have seen many changes and tailored our business model to accommodate them. One thing that hasn’t changed is our commitment to the quality tools manufacturing which has become the unmatched USP. Our continued focus on expertise and service are the foundation of our success. Our products are known for consistent, quality manufacturing and  performance that outlasts competitors. RAR EXIMS’S strong Manufacturing Program is well supported by implemented 5S and lean management system. An overall ecosystem is well complemented by aggressive, modern marketing techniques.